Breaking News: Fargo Police Officer Accidentally Shot, Suspect in Custody

FARGO, ND ( A Fargo police officer accidentally shot himself in the hand as a shooting suspect was taken into custody.
upon their arrival an officer reported seeing a green laser being pointed in all sorts of different directions the officer saw mail holding a gun with a laser outside in front of the entrance of the Radisson Hotel the mail fired one shot towards the officers and then turned and fired additional shots into the Radisson Lobby through the glass window next to the front doors the mail then entered the front doors leading into the lobby officers advanced up on the threat entered the lobby and took the suspect down at gunpoint in the lobby and into custody the male is identified as Henry the Sal akin it’s AI k en he’s 54 years of age from Fargo and once we had him in custody he appeared to be confused and in crisis he was transported to the hospital by officers to be cleared and then taken to the Cass County Jail his pending charge is aggravated reckless endangerment during the time while officers were arriving on scene and shots were being fired we had an incident leading to the injury of an officer this happened while setting up a perimeter and officers were putting their plate vests on and readying their patrol rifles ready to fire sergeant Matt yes table was directing his officers on the scene while he was taking a position and readying his patrol rifle as he was doing this he unintentionally and accidentally discharged his patrol rifle which caused serious injury to his hand the injury is serious but not life-threatening sergeant mr. bull was transported to Sanford hospital via fmm sergeant estoppel has been with the police department since December of 2001 he served as one of our detectives for a number of years and then was promoted in 2016 to sergeant and he is one of our patrol supervisors on the night shift our thoughts and prayers are with him and his wife as he goes through the medical procedures that are necessary to repair his hand right now the officers and their supervisors and investigations are still downtown working the scene at the Radisson and we’re also taking care of our officer

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