BREAKING NEWS: Couple Survives West Fargo House Fire, Dog Tragically Loses Life

WEST FARGO, ND ( Emergency crews on the scene of a West Fargo house fire on this Friday evening. A neighbor says the couple who lives here is safe. But, dog died.
8510 westest Fargo for a working sear fire breaking news out of West Fargo on this Friday evening a fire Crews called to a house fire at 8:30 p.m. at 2:10 4th Avenue West uh little later radio traffic sounded like multiple Crews being called to the scene had a ladder up on the uh roof here uh trying to knock down some uh remaining fire up on the uh back side of the roof you see firefighters going up there now a neighbor tells her camera person on the scene that a husband and wife got out safely two dogs were rescued and one dog deceased again Cruz at a house fire here at 210 4th Avenue West in West Fargo on this Friday evening more information when it’s available I’m Neil Berg reporting for I


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