BREAKING NEWS: Report Of 100 Fishermen Trapped On Ice… Upper Red Lake, MN Friday Evening
UPPER RED LAKE, MN ( We have another report of ice fishermen trapped on Upper Red Lake, Minnesota. This time the emergency call says as many as 100 fishermen are trapped out on the ice.
BREAKING NEWS: 100 Fishermen Stranded on Ice at Upper Red Lake, MN on Friday Evening

If the Ice Aint melting & They they're married,,They aint trapped
just yell MORE BEER & BAIT
When the headline reads 100 perish in Red Lake because taxpayers quit wasting money to save them. Nobody will go out till there's at least 4" of ice.
Just leave them out there. They can float around on the ice and try new spots.
Lol, they will be fine, it's only an emergency if the walleye's stop hitting.
Just plain stupid. Stay off the ice. It hasn’t been cold enough!
Stupid is as stupid does.
They need to revoke their fishing licenses and give each one an IQ TEST. If any brought children out onto the ice they should be charged with child endangerment. Ding Dong school is in session.
notise the dnr is useless also close down the access they don`t care the dnr is just clueless thieves
Why is it so many police dispatchers are horrible to understand? Horrible!
Stop saving them or make them pay big. This isn’t an emergency anymore it’s stupidity. Natural selection at its best.
Imagine all that new structure in the spring……dodges, fords…chevs…..guna be a parking lot down there
I mean WTF…how dumb can you be with these temps and hundreds on the ice… wait a bit you will most likely get a couple good months.
There democrats leave them out there
Yeah punish the citizens with fines but let 10-15 million illegals enter the country and give them $5K . How about storm victims do they get fined for a storm taking their home down. You libtards are nuts
Minnesotans what a bunch of idiots
We're all doomed! The dumb asses are taking over. I live near Brainerd, MN. and most ice I see looks like it's a week or so from ice out. You won't be seeing my smart ass on any ice in Minnesota any time soon. Maybe not at all this season.
Where has the common sense gone?
Get real, your lives are on the line for fish. I am a fisherman but i'd rather not die in the process.
Beer run is serious
Dispatch sounded like the female version of Tom Brokaw
Thats all the details you have? I hope everyone is safe. Nobody took a video?
Selfish! All of them putting 1st responders' lives in danger in the dark. Fine the $1000.00 plus rescue fees & the resorts send them out should be held accountable as well.
These 100 People Are About As Smart As donny dumpster trump
Again? Not again, again. Brain dead selfish people
What??? again. About time to issue fines. Why should first responders have to risk their lives for this nonsense.
Emergency Crew and Resorts are working together. Easy money folks!
How do these people make it through life when they can' even figure out to STAY OFF THE ICE? Freaking idiots!
Darwin Awards Please
Maybe they should each be fined for 100 hours of community service by being first respond rescuers themselves.