Breaking: 122 Rescued from Upper Red Lake, 4 Canoe Rescuers Fall In

UPDATE: 122 Rescued Off Upper Red Lake, 4 Attempting Canoe Rescue Fall In Lake

UPPER RED LAKE, MN ( The Beltrami County Sheriff says 122 people were rescued off Upper Red Lake on this Friday evening. Four people attempting rescue with a canoe fell in the lake but are OK.


  1. Great job by responders- WHAT A BUNCH OF IDIOTS! Which resort is allowing them on the water after so many incidents in last week? That makes about 150 rescued in the last week on Red Lake alone! Truly idiots, everyone of them.

  2. Resorts need to shut down. People need to stop being sheep and learn about ice safety first and foremost before ice fishing šŸ‘€šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøGlad everyone is safe. Sheesh! Commen sense is lacking all over šŸ˜… NO fish is worth lives folks!

  3. It would be so nice if people would just use some common sense. Putting rescuers in this position time after time is just mean. Why should they have to give up their free time, risk their lives and rescue people who should know better than to risk all that? Thank you to our brave volunteers who give up their time, safety and lives to keep us safe.

  4. They need to revoke the fishing licenses of ALL THESE DING DONGS. THEY NEED TO CHARGE THEM EACH $1,000.00 and if anyone brought children out onto the ice they should be charged with child endangerment.

  5. Some real dumb people!! How nice of them to put the first responders in danger thereā€™s been how many rescues and they still do it put them in jail and if any of the responders get hurt charge them with it!!!

  6. Stupidity at its finest! Wait till we get a little cold weather and ya get some safer ice people. Your going to get some first responders killed with your asinine antics!

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