Border Security: Montana Senator Takes Republican Senators, Including ND’s Cramer and Hoeven, to Task

BORDER SECURITY: Montana Senator Takes Republican Senators Like ND's Cramer & Hoeven To Woodshed

WASHINGTON D.C. ( Democratic Senator Jon Tester of Montana took Republican Senators like Kevin Cramer and John Hoeven, next door in North Dakota to the woodshed on Friday. Both Cramer and Hoeven had made numerous comments on how important border security is, but when it came up for a vote, they voted no on moving the legislation forward.


  1. And you are criticizing them for that? Must be a liberal dem. Maybe read what was in it before criticizing. Theres no working with these democrats, they do not care about America and what they are so adamant about is Ukraine aid. It is so clearly money laundering. Biden does not care so much about anything unless it directly pads his pockets

  2. The bill had money in it for other countries borders but not ours and wars that can't be won, it also allows people that have never contributed to our country to come here and get more money from our taxes than retired people. I didn't think Inewz was this outright Democratic. I now question if I will watch anymore.

  3. This isn't a story, who cares what some no-name Montana senator says about anything. It's a bad bill regardless. Please stick to local, non-biased stories.

  4. It's an invasion on the border. Biden, as Commander-in-Chief, could put the military on it to stop & repel the invasion immediately, but he doesn't. All the $ & manpower is already available to get it done & only 1/6 of this bill is supposedly for the border, the rest to overseas meddling. We're already spending $6+ trillion in our budget & repelling invasion should be priority #1 so there's plenty of $ available to completely control the borders if this so-called President actually cared about the country, but he doesn't. No new legislation is needed just to make it look like they're doing something (which Biden-Obama will ignore anyway) in an election year, which Tester is in himself. He's what you call a fat & happy career politician who doesn't tell the whole truth & who MT needs to replace this year. This whole proposal is all about sending tens of billions overseas so that much of it can come back in the form of campaign donations & payoffs to the "right people".

  5. Republican reps in ND only care about ONE thing which is nothing but tRump, they should be voted OUT. ND should be investigated for their 'special relationship' with Don Von Shitzhispants.

  6. The border between Ukraine and Russia, is not our border and therefore not our fucking business.

    How about $64b for our border and $8b for Ukraine instead of the other way around?

  7. North Dakota has a couple of real beauties for “senators”. Neither one of these jackasses dare to make a decision unless their god, Donnie Shitler, grants his approval. They shouldn’t even call themselves legislators. They’re afraid to think for themselves.

  8. When our 2 Senators pander to the worst elements of the Republican party in this country and our state just to get a pat on the back from Trump, we've failed as a society. Vote them out

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