BOOGALOO BOIS: Michigan Governor Kidnap Plotters Tied to White Supremacist Organization

MINNEAPOLIS, MN ( One of 2 men charged in plot to blow up monuments, a courthouse in Northern Minnesota and kill politicians and journalists appeared in Federal Court on this September 11, 2020. The Boogaloo Bois is a group that references an impending second civil war in the United States.
alleged terrorists in the crowd our story starts here in minneapolis at the corner of 38th street and chicago avenue where george floyd was killed while in the custody of minneapolis police it all sparked protests and riots it also sparked all kinds of theories as to who was in the crowd one of those in the crowd thirty-year-old michael solomon of nearby new brighton minnesota made an appearance by zoom in minneapolis federal court on this september 11th 2020. he waived his right to a detention hearing a hearing used to set bail he remains in jail along with 22 year old benjamin teeter of hampstead north carolina both are facing a federal charge of conspired and attempted to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization hamas in part the pair allegedly talked about blowing up a courthouse and killing senators according to an fbi investigation here’s their story direct from the criminal complaint now filed in federal court quote in late may of 2020 the fbi initiated an investigation into members of the boogaloos boys based on information that members were discussing committing crimes of violence and were maintaining an armed presence on the streets of minneapolis during civil unrest following the death of george floyd your affidavit and fbi agent knows that the boogaloos boys are a loosely connected group of individuals espousing violent anti-government sentiments the term boogaloo itself refers to a supposedly impending second civil war in the united states and is associated with violent uprisings against the government solomon then teeter claimed to be members of the boogaloo boys and a sub group called the buja hedin beginning on tuesday may 26 2020 minneapolis and saint paul experienced widespread arson rioting and looting this unrest and the associated damage and destruction was in part a response to the death of george floyd during an encounter with the minneapolis police department the civil unrest received a nationwide media coverage and was widely discussed among numerous social media platforms on may 26 solomon a united states citizen and resident of minnesota publicly posted on facebook the following i need a head count if you have a key key base uh message me uh key base meaning a uh encrypted account the same uh date teeter a resident of north carolina publicly posted the following on facebook lock and load boys boog flags are in the air the national network is going off a review of teeter’s public posts shows that he then traveled from north carolina to minnesota in late may fbi agents encountered a witness now referred to as w1 after responding to a tip about the presence of armed men in a residential neighborhood in minneapolis w1 then explained a series of events involving both solomon and teeter w1 told the agents that he met solomon during a civil unrest taking place in the twin cities following the death of george floyd according to w1 uh they met solomon on may 26th as he openly carried a firearm on the street solomon explained to w1 that his group the abuja de hadin were willing to protect w1 from the police white supremacists and looters during the ongoing civil unrest solomon also told w1 that his mission was to get the police out of the city approximately three days later w1 invited solomon and his associates to stay at w1’s house over the next several days solomon teeter and an associate individual uh stayed overnight at w1’s home and it was during this time that solomon teeter and an individual discussed committing acts of violence against police officers and other targets these conversations combined with solomons and teeters and the individual’s possessions of firearms and substantial quantities of ammunition caused w1 to become uncomfortable with their presence w1 said that solomon teeter and the other members of the boogaloo boys and buja hadin openly discussed committing acts of violence in furtherance of the abuja hedine’s stated goal of overthrowing the government and replacing its police forces for example solomon and teeter discuss attacking a national guard armory to steal weapons and bombs for the boot deen w1 stated that teeter claimed to have a connection with the national guard who would support the abuja hiding if a siege occurred solomon and teeter also discussed seeking out and killing white supremacists in reference to targeting targeting members of a white supremacist organization for assassination teeters stated individual will be recording when i kill them in addition to discussing the theft of explosives from a national guard armory solomon asked w1 if w1 knew someone who could provide him with c4 c4 being an explosive material in early june the fbi began receiving information about solomon teter and other members of the boogaloo boys through a confidential human source uh here and after known as chs the confidential source initially met solomon on facebook solomon and the source communicated using facebook’s private messaging feature until solomon instructed the infor confidential informant to switch to an encrypted messaging application since early june the informant has reported uh on numerous conversations with solomon teeter and members of the boogaloo boys or the abuja hadine on june 6th and early into june 7th the confidential source solomon and teeter and an associate individual 2 met at a residence in the twin cities during a recorded gathering they disliked the abuja hit dean’s dislike of police officers and the possibility of shooting members of law enforcement at one point during this conversation solomon teeter and individual two were all loading a musician into magazines while wearing gloves when teeters stated this isn’t something i’m worried about for a carry gun your f the affidavit the fbi agent understands this is to mean that teeter is ordinarily unconcerned about leaving fingerprints on a firearm or ammunition that he intends to carry legally teeter then stated this is mercenary protocol if i have to shoot someone i’m not going to call the cops and stick around solomon responded if you’re carrying for self-defense you’re going to call the cops and go through the process solomon then added most likely [ __ ] we’re doing we what we’re doing we don’t want our fingerprints on our [ __ ] in discussing the potential confrontation with police solomon stated if we get to the point where we engage the police i’m not going to stop i’m going to take out whoever initiated the violence and then i’m going to hang out in the area you know move and set up in a better location that’s as close to the area as i can and then i’m going to take out the next thing that shows up and i’m going to keep going until i’m not taking out people anymore like if i get into a firefight i’m getting into a firefight until i can’t fight anymore if i run out of ammo i’ll go to court on june 8th solomon posted publicly the following on one of his two known facebooks account facebook accounts uh two photos here one with a group of uh people as you see and the other uh other one here with the capture and i want you to join the united states abuja hadine the complaint goes on based on recorded conversations between solomon teeter and the confidential source the fbi agent has reviewed i know that solomon and teeter believe that the confidential uh source to be a member of hamas a designated foreign terrorist organization the source is a middle eastern male with a heavy accent based on several conversations with the confidential source solomon and teeter have expressed that the terrorist organization hamas shares anti-us government views that align with their own anti-us government views solomon and teeter expressed a desire to employ themselves as mercenaries for hamas as a means to generate cash for the boogaloo boys abuja hadine movement solomon and titor discussed with their confidential source their need for funds to recruit members for the purchase of land for a compound to train boogaloo boys in buja haddin members during a recorded june 14th member meeting the confidential source asked teeter to describe what he and the abuja hadine were planning to do for hamas during this conversation the confidential source emphasized that both peter and solomon could walk away from any plan they came up with and they could still be friends teeter replied that he and solomon had long-term goals but lacked short-term goals and wanted to talk more with solomon about ideas when the confidential source asked teeter to think out loud teeter stated that the abuja had dean could make a statement by destroying government monuments the confidential source told teeter that his organization hamas could support teeter and solomon’s effort to make the government look weak tita replied but just to make sure c4 uh explosive falls within teeter’s voice trailed off in the uh inaudible recording the confidential source affirmed that his organization was capable of that kind of support and stated you asked for c4 what is it you can do in terms of a big statement teeter explained that he and solomon have backgrounds in construction and that one big benefit of being of that being we understand how things work mechanically which means if we want to demolish a structure or monument or statute some kind of statement item it’s a big thing i think we can do pretty easy i don’t have a huge background in plastic explosives but that’s the easiest way to do it the most controlled way so you don’t hurt any bystanders that’s when people look at it and say we we need to be able to say it was a strike against the government and no innocent people were hurt when the confidential source told teeter they could work together tita replied i would love to do that i cannot tell you how much i would love to do that on june 18th a confidential source met with teeter in this recorded conversation teeter revealed that he and solomon had decided to target a historical county courthouse because it was a symbol of the unjust laws that america upholds and had low security with the confidential exhaust expressed concerns that blowing up a courthouse would be complicated tita replied right basic wiring yeah i understand the basics of that so i used to grew up on a farm i’ve wired full buildings from the time i was 14 15. teeter told the confidential source that he had been conducting internet research for this plan on the dark web where he explained i have access to diagrams and explanations teeter said he was researching the use of dynamite with an electric charge on a timer that he wants to become an expert before doing it but considers himself a quick study peter said that people would take notice if he took out a historical site that was soft he went on to say still but i’m not in a position where i can start hitting hard targets like that what i would describe as hard targets which is a big reward yet but once we start working together and i show you some of my other guys that this stuff we have we have appealing people willing to work with us and that this is a thing we can accomplish then we can start doing the things that would allow me to hit hard targets teeters stated that he wanted to conduct the attack at night so as not to hurt anyone teeter then identified as specific historical courthouse in northern minnesota the confidential source asked him if he is positive he wanted to do this to which teeter replied yes on june 19th solomon and teeter met with the confidential source to discuss the plot to destroy a specific county courthouse located in northern minnesota this meeting was recorded in peter’s presence a solomon confirmed for the confidential uh source that solomon and teeter were working on a courthouse destruction plot together we’re kind of the same entity right like if he’s not here right i think you can agree that i can speak for you but if i’m not i’m not there he can speak we’re on the same page solomon also explained to the confidential source how he and teeter would be an asset to the hamas to you and your friends we’ve got to be pretty valuable because two american boy american boring born white boys right we can move around like nothing we can take anything anywhere solomon then asks for an investment in our into our future teeter stated i’m set up i’m working on calculating the exact amounts the explosives and stuff i need for that and i’m i’m ready to go when asked about the cost for the courthouse plot tita replied i can run the numbers on the explosives as far as a stick way to uh detonation pretty quickly i should be able to pull up the schematics on the courthouse pretty easy and figure out the exact science when discussing the future targets of the boogaloos boys solomon said as soon as you know uh we mark the politicians that we’d want to i’d be fine with going after the media after that i’m not necessarily talking about the journalists on the street yeah they lie i’m more talking i just want to take out the top 20 of the people at each company on june 28th solomon teeter and the confidential source met at a hotel this is where the confidential source introduced solomon and teeter to an individual who solomon teeter believed was another more senior member of hamas this individual in fact an undercover employee of the fbi during this audio and video recorded meeting solomon and teeter expressed their willingness to the undercover agent to manufacture suppressors for the hamas suppressors meaning silencers for guns during this meeting a teeter explained his facade philosophy to the undercover agent peter stated he was an anarchist who wants to completely remove the government then just start all over solomon added our goal is to tear it down when asked how long teeter and solomon had been part of the movement teeter replied for a year and a half which is when we both got into it in an effort to convince the undercover agent that they would have value to the hamas solomon stated i’m also a redneck redneck nobody likes notices a redneck but basically like we’ve got ideas we’ve got you know what we want to do we’ve got training and we’ve got um got the knowledge teeter added and we have a network teeter further explained that he had the knowledge and experience necessary to manufacture unmarked unmarked parts for guns and create unregistered and untraceable weapons as well teeters stated with about 700 dollars of equipment i can produce unmarked untraceable ar-15s solomon added yeah we can also make them fully automatic if you like in reference to manufacturing untraceable ar-15s teeter explained that we both have uh boog boys across the country who could use as a network to move it around it’s definitely something we’d be capable of when asked by the undercover agent what hamas could do in turn for the defendants tita replied we just do not have uh the funding to start to do a lot of these things teeter and solomon then discussed their plan to raid the headquarters of a white supremacist organization in north carolina stating if we can make it so 20 40 of them can’t go home it’s a win-win later in this meeting the men discuss their mutual goals solomon stated that if we are capable to accomplish our goals the u.s would be effing done ask about future goals teeters stated i believe that we could completely demolish the historic courthouse with about 12 pounds of dynamite and 15 mini fuses solomon added there’s something that’s a lot better than dynamite c4 is more powerful during the meeting with the confidential uh source and undercover agent the defendants discussed soft and hard targets asked to identify a hard target solomon responded i would love to take out a police station and reference using a grenade launcher to accomplish this as a first step in building trust with the hamas solomon suggested giving the undercover agent something that we produce teeter explained the attack on headquarters we want to go in with the subsonic subsonic ammunition ah we want to go in suppressed and i can i can get a subsonic ammunition and suppressors uh the both kinds of things that i can provide for us if i can find them when asked by the undercover agent if teeter knew how to build a suppressor solomon stated yes we both know how to do that again the suppressors being the silencers for guns the undercover agent asks about solomon’s reference to politicians teeter replied that would be a future thing solomon stated uh uh for the future i’d build a gallows in front of in front of the congress building in dc and just start hanging politicians left and right in reference to politicians hiring security for protection teeter stated you can’t stop threats that you can’t see i shoot precision long-range bolt rifles i i do most of my shooting beyond half a mile and i can easily with a well-equipped rifle shoot to 1500 yards on july 6 at solomon teeter’s request the confidential agent source provided teeter with funds for the purchase of the tools and parts needed to produce the suppressors at 5 30 pm on july 8th teeter communicated with the confidential source via messaging application also about also building pistols for the confidential source i can’t remember if i mentioned this before but i can also build pistols the sig sauer p320 is a modular which means with a jig and parts kit i can drill and build them in reference to the suppressors they had previously agreed to build for hamas teeter texted the following i am excited to see my products in action approximately 45 minutes later solomon and teeter purchased a drill press at a maple grove hardware store and were observed loading the drill press into the bed of solomon’s red pickup truck this drill press has been kept at solomon’s home since on july 16th solomon and teeter informed the confidential source they had successfully manufactured five functional suppressors and showed the devices to the confidential source while in solomon’s home during this recorded meeting solomon and teeter proposed using explosives to destroy a different historic courthouse located in the twin cities area further solomon and teeter again proposed converting semi-automatic rifles into fully automatic firearms for the benefit of the hamas the following day july 17th the confidential source informed teeter in a recorded conversation that suppressors would specifically be delivered to the militant wing of the hamas on july 30th solomon and teeter delivered the five suppressors to the undercover agent at which time both solomon and teter expressed their desire to manufacture additional suppressors with fully automatic weapons for hamas during this meeting solomon and teter explained that they were delaying the plot to demolish a courthouse so they can could continue to build their relationship with hamas which would include the manufacture of additional suppressors on august 5th teeter and the confidential source discussed on a secured messaging application the suppressors he and solomon had uh supplied in this exchange the confidential source told peter that he was eager for the suppressors to be delivered to his organization and be put to use tita replied i hope between this and my people’s work here we can turn the tide for you on august 12th in a recorded conversation solomon and teeter further described for the confidential source their reason for delaying the plot to blow up a historic courthouse solomon and teeter stated they did not simply want to blow up a historic courthouse but rather preferred to execute a larger plot when the boogaloo boys are better positioned to fulfill their goals as an example of a larger plot solomon and teeter discussed the murder of politicians now here are quotes from solomon and teeter solomon here’s the thing if and when we make a statement right i don’t want to blow up some effing [ __ ] courthouse in the middle of nowhere minnesota teeter that’s why i picked a different one i picked a really famous one confidential source oh my god solomon here’s the thing i want to like take down 20 senator senators while they’re playing effing baseball right teeter that is a better idea that’s a much better idea confidential source oh my god 20 what peter and solomon senators teeter like u.s senators solomon i don’t want to blow up a courthouse i want to murder a bunch of u.s politicians that’s the statement i want to make confidential source that’s a statement for real solomon exactly teeter i mean people have definitely shot some before if anyone could get a shot up off at them it means that we can easily take out the rest of them solomon yeah uh notes here from the complaint the idea appears to be in reference to the uh june uh 2017 shooting during a softball practice for congressman in alexandria virginia back to the criminal complaint on august 20th the undercover agent showed solomon and teeter a video of purported members of hamas firing rifles equipped with suppressors manufactured by solomon and teeter upon viewing the video of their suppressors in use both solomon and teeter reacted positively both solomon and teeter then immediately proceeded to negotiate a price for an additional five suppressors as solomon and teeter discuss pricing for the additional suppressors with the undercover agent solomon told the undercover agent that his organization would get a steep discount of 50 percent on future suppressors the undercover agent told solomon teeter that these additional suppressors would be used overseas to attack israeli and u.s forces training with them solomon and teeter agreed to build them quickly and agreed on a price of eighteen hundred dollars for the five additional suppressors later in this recorded conversation solomon and teeter proposed creating a storefront where they could build suppressors suppressors and rifles in the back while maintaining a legitimate appearing maintenance business in return for a loan from hamas to start this business solomon and teeter reiterated the idea of giving hamas a discount on the suppressors and rifles on august 29th teeter and solomon met the undercover agent and confidential source at a hotel room this meeting was audio and video recorded teeter and solomon told the undercover agent a confidential source that the parts needed for the suppressors had not arrived and therefore were not ready for delete delivery teeter and solomon expressed disappoint disappointment in themselves that they had failed to deliver the additional suppressors on time at the same meeting solomon and teeter did deliver a drop in the auto auto seer uh to the undercover uh agent and confidential source the f the uh fbi agent knows that a ds is a part designed and intended for use in converting a weapon to shoot automatically by a single pull of the trigger uh solomon told the undercover agent a confidential source that he tested the functionality of the ds earlier and that it appeared to function properly on his own rifle solomon and teeter assured the undercover agent the user could get hundreds of rounds shot out of the ds teeter recommended i would say use for the use one for the first time for combat than just for training maybe uh after that until you know how long they last the undercover agent stated it would be sufficient if the ds worked long enough to kill a few americans and israeli soldiers to which solomon replied yeah the undercover agent asked solomon to demonstrate how to ensure insert the ds into a rifle that the undercover agent had in his possession solomon did so but noted that his this ds appeared to be too large for the undercover agent’s rifle solomon stated he could order a smaller version because a supplier was creating them with a 3d printer and could change the dimensions of the ds4m when the confidential source asked solomon and teeter if they could manufacture if the manufacturer of the ds test uh the fit of the ds in a weapon solomon stated yeah but that’s technically super illegal uh further in regard to manufacture of the parts used to make the suppressors teeter stated if they knew what we were doing with them they’d report us to the fbi and that’s the end of the criminal complaint as the two suspects didn’t realize they were talking to the fbi and they’re now in jail but is this the end of the story are more people involved we’ll keep you updated i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. Wolverine watchmen are not boogaloo. Also the FBI orchestrated and financed the entire whitmer kidnapping plot. You wish you knew what you were talking about.

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