BODYCAM VIDEO: Deadly Police Shooting In Crookston, MN & Review Of Case By MN BCA

CROOKSTON, MN ( – Crookston Police have released the bodycam video of a tragic incident at the Care & Share homeless shelter on June 30. The footage shows Officer Nick Fladland responding to a reported fight and ultimately shooting and killing Chris Junkin. The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) is currently reviewing the incident to determine the circumstances surrounding the fatal encounter.


  1. They had the dude down a few times with a tazer and didnt go and jump on him to subdue him? I always back the cops but this looks like bad training I get that he might have a weapon but he was also naked and out numbered they could of easily with 2 or three of them taken him down after zapping him😂

  2. Also I have to add the female officer spraying the pepper spray was nothing but stupidity. She didn't even aim it at him just above him and that did nothing but hinder the second trio of officers from getting to the scene quicker.

  3. The more I watch the more stupid it is. Four times they tased him and had the opportunity to get cuffs on yet they bark orders and let him get back up. The last time they tased him in the corner by the exercise equipment, they could have all piled on top of him and got control. But what do we see, 3 cowards literally run past him laying on the ground, to escape for their lives(deadly plastic garbage can was in his close proximity) down the hallway where we see the final cowardly act. Then we see some scaredy cat creeping up on a naked, unarmed, likely dead man and cuffing him crying, "Do not fight, do not fight." All these officers get a F in performance and a A+ in unloading firearms. Embarrassing for the community and departments involved.

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