1. Plz consider this friends and folks, kindly and humbly speaking , I work in this field of study all my life and still do. It’s facinating for sure, I’m interested in these discoveries, however just because they are found on ojibwe reservation does not mean they are their ancestors. Let me explain for example, here in the south west are many many ruins,, pit house ruins from 400 ad , migration camp sites, Pueblo sites with many phases ranging from phase 1 , about 900 ad after pit house basketmaker periods to phase 5 which ended at the time of Columbus. In white river az on the Fort Apache reservation, are all these phases, but one in particular, been there many times , you can ( find it online and google earth) is a very cool and interesting abandoned village and site called Kinishba , abandoned aprox between 1300 and 1400 ad. Kinishba is an Apache word for brown house. Any student of the southwest is familiar with the fact that the Apache/navajo were invaders from the far north starting about 900 ad , I mean so far like Alaska, and Mongolia . Yes Asia. Many tribes are asiatic but Apache and Navajo are Inuit/athabacan with a nasty term robbers attached to its meaning and are more recent new comers and not welcomed . Yes, as sad as that sounds they were late comers and a pest and problem to the Pueblo ppl. So bad they were canibals . Well today the apaches call Kinishba their ancestral home. And that’s not true, they most likely part of the cause the village was abandoned as many were because of the constant raids by apaches and Navajos till modern times. So , just cause 3 remains are found on ojibwe reservation, …..well you understand they most likely are not their ancestors either. Who really knows, I’m curious too, but I want facts/evidence and the hard truth and not a rush as who they belong to. Best wishes to history, natives and USA .

  2. Wow. Might have been the 1800's smallpox epidemic or traveling Indians since they traveled by water long ago and if someone died along a journey, they just simply buried them where they were nearest to any land.

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