BIZARRE MURDER, COMPLETE DETAILS: Charges Filed In Murder By Digi-Key, Suspect Felt Negative Force
THIEF RIVER FALLS, MN ( Charges have now been filed at Jorge Luis Benitez Estremera of Thief River Falls, Minnesota in the murder of Steven Opdahl of Oklee, Minnesota outside Digi-Key Tuesday night.
Bizarre Murder Unveiled: Charges Announced in Digi-Key Case as Suspect Claims Influence of Negative Force

UPDATE: He is an ILLEGAL ALIEN and we still need to close the border.
What was Steven’s job at DigiKey?
I’m sure the perp is a local who was born there, right. Natural born citizen. Legal as hell, I’m sure.
He out yet?
No one deserves to be beaten to death!

RIP Steven Opdahl
The grand forksa mn ddevipls lake those taking over peoples bodies they steal f r om
Murder! I hope the DOJ in MN. is not lame and executes justice!
Why was nobody watching the cameras? They have security cameras around the entire building.
I almost want to see this video,, if the charged is claimed to be so mild mannered and never,,,hurt anyone,, I think the footage would be damning, very telling… I get self defense, I get scared, but once a person is on the ground ,,or you can "get away" ,,scared people leave, they do not bludgeon a person dead… I think the alleged killer is guilty quite clearly a insanity defense is it,,,if the video is damning a self defense arguement likely will not work …the video could be everything.. SO SAD!! Condolences
Mental health issue, but blame the rich companies who import masses for cheap labor? or blame the immigration policy? how about making healthcare for all a right?… just too many crazy people and not enough healthcare?
Moral of the story,cigarettes kill
Prayers and love to Steven Opdahl, his family and friends. Nobody deserves what happened to him and that it wasn't noticed by his employer is mind breaking. Thanks to law enforcement, may we see the guilty in court and/or prison. Thanks for reporting, Neil.
Absolutely disgusting
Steven Opdahl 61 years old.
Who's the trash girlfriend? This guy can't even speak English, let's check his illegal rush to the border status, isn't Minnesota grand, I work there awhile strange place and strange town
Wasn't Digi-Key voted one of the best businesses?
Ol' Jorge is some sort of supreme intellect. Maybe they might keep him in the clinks for a little while. Hey, a guy can hope. Do the judges work in Pennington or are they broken like everywhere else?
That is fuckin rugged!!
Digi Key hiring criminal illegals too?
Too bad there was NO security !!! 25 minutes spent beating this guy to death ! Any security would have helped !!!!!!
This Company needs Security officers now,not when ever they feel it should happen . I would walk away from there and not work for them this could have been prevented very easily
Straight up evil.
Bring back the chair or rope just for this pos why do we keep letting these people live no reason to let him live off our Taxes hell id do it myself if the soft mfers that are supposed to uphold the law wont