Big “K” Sparks Selfie Craze and Announces Mall Expansion in Grand Cities

GRAND FORKS, ND ( A large Kmart sign in front of a Grand Forks, North Dakota Pastor’s yard has ignited a selfie explosion as that Pastor talks about plans for that former Kmart and the Grand Cities Mall, which is owned by the Church.
Neil Berg here on the phone with me is pastor paul knight of uh hope church in grand forks is kind of making the rounds on social media today with a big k in front of your yard can you explain that well i don’t know if i can uh so uh we are renovating or the people that we sold the kmart building to our church uh had purchased the grand cities mall in 2015 and we sold the kmart building about a year ago and they’re renovating that and someone on my team my staff team i think uh arranged to have the big k delivered to my front yard so it dwarfs my garage it’s huge out there and people are driving by and stopping and getting their pictures taken and are uh going on facebook with and going to k sign let’s see hashtag k sign selfie and they’re posting one on facebook so it’s for sale uh the kmart sign or the yeah uh i i don’t know i don’t know who it belongs to right now but yeah i’m willing to sell it no doubt all right so can you talk about who you sold the old kmart building too yes we sold it to uh it’s the creary family in the hog family and they bought it just over a year ago and they’re doing a long uh long term storage heat storage in the building and then they’re building some retail in the front and then i believe uh uh an individual in town is doing a collectible car uh display inside as well so there’s our museum any changes for you guys what you’re doing in the mall hope church yeah so we have uh this is kind of kicking off some development for the rest of us for the rest of them all we are working with uh architect to identify outlots and we want to do some infill in the parking lot and we’re gonna our current plan is hopefully as things progress here in the next six months or so is to reface the front of the mall and to uh redo the the exterior and then do in infill on some of those lots okay when you say infill on some of those so we’d like to build some more buildings and create kind of a midtown center midtown area of of the city and so it’s the it’s the geographical middle of grand forks and we’d like to uh kind of create an area for people to hang out and do things and add some more stores or some more retail outlets or some more uh i don’t know we’d love to have a bank and some of those kind of things but we want to build in the parking lot and get rid of some of the blacktop and put in some walkable spaces for people okay thanks for talking to me you bet take care i’m Neil Berg reporting for


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