Bemidji Suspect Allegedly Chose Wrong Target in Shooting-Robbery Incident

BEMIDJI, MN ( A Bemidji suspect in a robbery-shooting incident apparently picked the wrong victim. The victim is reported to have hit the suspect with a golf ball after being hit in the head with a gun.
a suspect robert needham jr of bemidji apparently picked the wrong target for an attempted robbery and shooting incident early tuesday morning in the ridgeway apartments in bemidji today in court needham has been charged with four felony counts of first-degree attempted aggravated robbery assault with a dangerous weapon intentional discharge of a weapon that endangers and possession of a firearm in a crime of violence according to court records a surveillance video captured the entire scene uh court records say it shows the victim standing by an apartment door needham punches the victim in the face with his left hand while holding a gun in his right hand there appears to be a verbal exchange then needham strikes the victim in the head with a gun needham moves away and the victim throws what appears to be a white golf ball striking needham in the shoulder then needham fires his gun at the victim missing needham goes into an apartment and apparently jumped out the window before police arrive the confrontation was apparently about money needham has a prior felony conviction for assault with a dangerous weapon i’m Neil Berg reporting for


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