Beltrami County Commissioner Blasts Speaker At Tuesday Meeting
BEMIDJI, MN ( Beltrami County Commissioner, Reed Olson blasted a speaker during a Tuesday meeting in Bemidji.
Beltrami County Commissioner Criticizes Speaker at Tuesday Meeting

What a dick.
I live in ND we have oil you in MN don't have any. As far as I can see you need the oil and gas to live but if you don't want the pipe line then I say you should not get any oil or gas start buying horses ! And chop down all your tree's to keep warm this winter.
Olson acts like a typical liberal dictator. Do as I say not as I do.
The sad part…. people voted for the dimwit..

Reed Olson is,has,and always will be a embarrassment to the people of Bemidji!
Presenter was much more professional and respectful than Olson. that guy needs to go.
Wtf was that I just heard? I understand just how frustrating everything is getting but to tell someone that they wish they didn’t come to their meeting is not right!
Hes an idiot
The Cancel culture movement has its foot in the door.
what a douche