BCA Releases Initial Findings in Fatal Officer-Involved Shooting in EGF

EAST GRAND FORKS, MN (trfnews.i234.me) The Minnesota BCA has released its preliminary findings in connection to a deadly, officer involved shooting near East Grand Forks on Tuesday. The BCA says 1 officer fired his tase and handgun multiple times.
we now have more details regarding the shooting death of Lucas Gilbertson here at a home in rural East Grand Forks on Tuesday this from the preliminary of BCA report quote according to the preliminary investigation members of the pineer Prairie drug task force learned on January 9th that Gilbertson who was wanted on a warrant was at home in East Grand was at a home in East Grand Forks just before noon they went to the home to arrest him the task force members surrounded the home to stop Gilbertson from escaping and at one point the undercover East grandforks police officer entered the home and encountered Gilbertson during that encounter the officer deployed his taser and fired his handgun at Gilbertson multiple times striking him also during the encounter Gilbertson broke the window and threw a handgun out of the home officers provided emergency care to Gilbertson until he could be taken to the hospital where he later died no one else was injured during this incident BCA agents continue to investigate exactly how the incident inside the home unfolded crime scene Personnel found a handgun on the ground near the home there is a body Warn and Squad camera video from this incident but not of the shooting itself the officer who used force was not wearing a body camera BCA agents are reviewing all available video as part of their active investigation the uh P County Sheriff’s Office asked the BCA to investigate the incident once the investigation is complete the BCA will present its findings without a charging recommendation to the PO County Attorney’s Office for review now as far as the name of the officer the uh Minnesota Department of Public Safety and Bureau of Criminal apprehension has identified the officer who shot Gilbertson according to the East Grand Force Police Chief the officer is a member of the pine to Prairie Dr drug task force and works in an undercover capacity the BCA is not releasing the officer’s name in accordance with uh Minnesota statute the officer deployed his taser and fired his Department handgun he is on standard administrative leave I’m Neil Berg reporting for I trfnews.i234.me


  1. Something curious about this & some critical pieces of the story still missing. I have no horse in the race but have to wonder. Once the place is surrounded and the guy can’t escape, is the police presence made known to the guy? You know, the old “you are surrounded, we have a warrant for your arrest, throw your gun out the window & come out with your hands up” routine over the loudspeakers. If so, was there a response from the guy? What was that response? Depending on the answer to those, the next questions might be, At what point? in what manner? and under what guise? does undercover guy enter the house? Did he walk in unannounced? break in forcefully? Or maybe he had been there for some time with suspect fully aware of him? If everything was incognito, would the suspect have recognized undercover guy? Maybe see him as a total stranger looking to do a deal of some kind? Or maybe a friend? Or maybe an accomplice? Or maybe a cop? Or maybe a rival up to no good, at least in the suspects point of view, that might trigger a self defense response? I forget the name, but there was that guy in south Minneapolis GF riots who fired in self defense on a van full of scary looking unknowns, that turned out to be cops, who fired back, but nobody died, well, it could get complicated! No opinions, just questions. Looking forward to updates.

  2. on March 22, 2017, Clarence Duane Huderle was gunned down by a Pine to Prairie Drug Task Force cop. Huderle was shot from 1/4 mile away by the cop using a scoped rifle.
    It was not a drug bust. The P2P rogue should not have been on the scene. (EGF,Warren)

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