Barney, North Dakota Resident Dies in Crop Duster Plane Accident

GWINNER, ND ( The North Dakota Highway Patrol says a Barney, North Dakota man was killed in a spray plane crash Thursday morning. His name has not been released yet.
the North Dakota Highway Patrol is reporting a Barney North Dakota man was killed in an airplane crash this morning the Patrol says at 7:41 a.m. a 2010 air tractor agricultural splay spray plane crash in a bean field 1500 feet south of highway 13 and nine miles west of winner-winner ambulance Fire and Rescue the North Dakota Highway Patrol and local sheriff’s departments responded the pilot an adult male from Barney died in the crash the plane took off from the Lisbon Airport and crashed a short time later fra fog was present at the time of the crash the crash remains under investigation by the FAA I’m Neil Berg reporting for I news TV

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