Baby Discovered Along Road in Cass County, MN

BENA, MN ( Several law enforcement units were headed south of Bena, Minnesota Thursday evening, after a woman reported finding a baby wrapped in a blanket.
some disturbing radio traffic out of cass county minnesota on this thursday evening this would be south of bena bean is about halfway between bemidji and grand rapids minnesota uh the call came in in this area on county road 8 by the boy river bridge a report of a possible baby wrapped in a blanket found here here’s some of the radio traffic she stated there is a blanket an indian style blanket wrapped up looks to be a baby inside and has been there all day she said she can see the face but hasn’t unwrapped it to check the baby is that at the boy river bridge up on eight again as you heard here not confirmed yet but a report that a baby had been found or wrapped in a blanket uh later radio traffic indicated quite a few uh law enforcement we’re headed to the scene uh no further details at this point again whether this actually is a baby wrapped in a blanket or the condition uh we’ll have an update as soon as more information is available i’m Neil Berg reporting for


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