Authorities Release Photo and Background Details of Fargo Shooter Mohamad Barakat

FARGO SHOOTER: Officials Reveal Photo & Background Of Mohamad Barakat

FARGO, ND ( Officials revealed a photo and background of Fargo shooter, Mohamad Barakat during a news conference today.


  1. He immigrated to the USA in 2012 and by 2023 had assimilated so professionally into a classic US citizen that after just 11 years he was shooting everything in sight.

  2. Secular syrian. Im a beard having muslim who cant imagine why he would do this and people equate muslims and beard with acts like this. He wasnt even a part of the greater muslim community otherwise he wouldve been more humble and worried about how to maintain his 5 daily prayers instead how to do what he did. I bet if that guy sat down with a sunnischolar the scholar would have raised his eyebrows at some of barakats deviancy, most likely. Its been my experience as a muslim revert of over 12 years that its always those who grew up cultural but in their hearts are not really concerned with their religion, but more with getting even with this and that, even against other muslims ime myself when we advise them to pray or fast usually secular "muslims" are the most quarrelsome

  3. Thank God he never made it to the street fair. I'm sorry an officer had to be killed and those other 2 officers had to be injured, and I also feel sorry for the young lady that was injured in the shooting.

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