Audie Murphy, Medal of Honor Recipient, Discusses His Division

UNITED STATES ( Medal Of Honor Winner Audie Murphy Talks About His Division.
foreign [Music] the latest weapons coupled with the fighting skill of the American Soldier stand ready on the alert all over the world to defend this country you the American people against aggression this is the big picture an official television report to the nation from the United States Army now to show you part of the big picture here is Sergeant Stuart Queen many of our infantry outfits contain units which go back to the earliest days of American History the third infantry division for instance contains units which have distinguished themselves in all wars where American fighting men have defended their country the history of this division is studied with honored names and deeds one of the most illustrious Veterans of this division is a man named Audie Murphy is the most combat decorated soldier of World War II now a motion picture star in Hollywood but still active as a captain in the 36th Infantry Division of the Texas National Guard that’s right Sergeant Queen Latino I’m still a soldier at heart you see I never stopped being interested in my old outfit being a soldier is still very important to me in other words you mean you still keep in touch with your old outfit very much so I try to be with him whenever there’s any kind of reunion or get together and of course I always watch for any mention of the division when they’re in action well they certainly saw action in Korea and piled up quite a record that’s the amazing thing


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