Attention Minnesotans! Can You Provide a Saliva Sample?

Minnesotans! Willing To Spit In A Tube?

ST. PAUL, MN ( The Minnesota Department of Public Safety is testing new tools to get “drugged” drivers off the road. During the initial testing you’ll be asked to voluntarily submit to testing. Results cannot be used in court.


  1. If this happens, carry wintergreen gum, pop a piece in and chew like crazy before pulling over. Do not swallow or spit it out….That's how to beat the 'saliva test' for pre employment.

  2. so when you decline it they can take you to jail?? or have probable cause to excuse the wrong they’re already doing? that’s a little weird. people take medications that pop up in regular drug tests as is lol

  3. Sure make it legal , then turn around and find another way to make money off it , besides taxes and get your DNA .
    I dont trust any of those tests , probably use any reason to give you one .

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