Astronauts Conduct Spacewalk This Monday

SPACE ( Two female NASA astronauts are on a space walk on this Monday, replacing batteries in the International Space Station.
* Video: NASA
Hey look what’s going on 251 miles above our heads on this Monday morning this is a live stream from NASA US astronauts Christina cook and Jessica Muir are on a spacewalk they’re changing batteries on the International Space Station we can listen in hear from my NASA livestream so you just heard the buddy checks just outside of the station’s airlock their tethers are configured the right way they have all of their they’re safer Union is configured the right way their helmets configure the right way and all the tools necessary in fact over to the right where you see Jessica Muir the suit with the red stripes you can see the pistol grip tool that’ll be a key tool for today’s procedures you see Christina cook already making her way over to the worksite there’s something called a translation path this camera view isn’t sort of an upside down view you can see the earth over to the right from this view but that translation path is the path where she’ll be essentially crawling on the outside of the station to get to the worksite which is on the far port truss of the International Space Station copy Christina Jessica when you’re ready you can follow and translate to p1 mile marker 90 180 under the SHRC to check the anchor hooks the voice you’re hearing from Mission Control Houston is Stephanie Wilson she is the ground IV it’ll be her voice from Mission Control Houston that you’ll be hearing that the duration of today’s spacewalk guiding our to spacewalking astronauts through their procedures today Jessica me are taken up the rear Christina cook already on her way over to the worksite as we begin today’s spacewalk I want to make note of kristina cooks record duration she sits on the all-time list of record holders for total duration in space by NASA astronauts here’s the top list Peggy Whitson of course taking the taking the number one spot at 665 cumulative days and Christina cook taking the number 8 spot at 311 days of note this is her first spacewalk and her first space flight this is of course her sixth spacewalk but uh this 311 days was accumulated accumulated on a single flight going from expeditions 59 60 and now 61 moving on to today’s procedures the bulk of the work will be swapping those batteries out at the port 6 truss from this view at sort of the center and then slightly to the left that’s the airlock that’s where they’re coming from they have to move up to the trust and all the way out to the right there on the port 6 side those batteries were delivered on the external palette of HTV eight have pallets sitting just outside the worksite right now there it is in position only one new lithium-ion battery left on that pallet the other five have already been installed on the station as Mir and Cook make their way out to the work site they’ll have to install two adapter plates and the new battery and then move around some of the older batteries here’s a great view of the two astronauts now making their way all the way over to that port six trusts crossing the Serge check your gauntlets in place you can continue to watch this live on this Monday go to youtube and search nasa livestream I’m Neil Berg reporting for I news TV

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