Astonishing Sunday Arrest Unfolds In Minneapolis

MINNEAPOLIS, MN ( There was a wild Sunday arrest in Minneapolis, MInnesota.
wow we had a wild arrest in Minneapolis on this Sunday this in from Minneapolis Police at 3:10 a.m. they responded to the 2400 block of oga place on reports of a domestic involving an armed male breaking into an apartment and threatening to kill the mother of his child officers identified a 41-year-old female or 19-year-old son and her infant son there were no reported injuries and the suspect identified as kamu Evans uh born in ’92 had left the scene the 41-year-old female had had an active order for protection against Evans Evans also had multiple warrants for assault in a NOA steel and Blue Earth counties at approximately 3:27 a.m. officers responded to a spot shotter activation at 2319 West Broadway additional 911 calls indicated that Evans had shot out a patio door here at 2319 West Broadway entered the home and was threatening and assaulting a 74-year-old female 23-year-old male and 7-year-old child the occupants who were assaulted and threatened are related to the 41-year-old female residing back at 2400 uh o Place believing the occupants of 20 319 West Broadway were in imminent danger officers announced themselves and made forced entry once inside officers were advancing through the dwelling when it is believed that Evans discharged a firearm in the dire ction of officers Evans then ran through the dwelling and jumped out a secondstory window officers quickly arrested Evans with the Evans with minimal force and recovered a gun from the backyard not a single shot was fired by Minneapolis Police Evans was transported to medic hopin healthcare for treatment of apparent non-life-threatening wounds he likely received after jumping from the Second Story window Evans will be booked into the henpen county jail for first degree assault the uh 74-year-old female was transported to North Memorial hospital for non-apparent life-threatening injuries received during the assault the 7-year-old was transported to North Memorial Medical for medical evaluation 23-year-old male reported no injuries I’m Neil Berg reporting for I


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