Argyle, MN Man’s Charges Dismissed, Plans to File Lawsuit for Unjust Accusation

ARGYLE, MN ( All charges against Reynaldo Martinez in connection to a Robbery in Argyle, Minnesota last Spring have been dismissed. Martinez is now threatening to sue the County.
reynaldo martinez of argyll minnesota has been cleared of all charges connected to the robbery of the american legion in that town during the last weekend in april this year now he’s threatening to sue the county first for background on all this a recap of charges filed against martinez by the county attorney we now have more details from court documents regarding a robbery at the american legion in argyll minnesota last weekend 29 year old ronaldo martinez of argyle is facing three felony charges of burglary aggravated robbery and assault with a dangerous weapon according to court documents deputies arrived at the argyle american legion on sunday at 1 58 am on a call of a burglary in progress the female bartender stated she was mopping up and closing for the night she stated she heard a bang on the glass door on the east side of the building and the suspect later identified as ronaldo martinez came through the door yelling give me the money she told him to f off martinez approached her still holding a pipe he used to allegedly break the door he swung it at her a couple of times and then hit the bar with it she stated she thought she may get hurt so she gave him a plastic container holding the till money uh the suspect left the bar and she called 911. deputies then looked at surveillance video which led to martinez a pipe used in the robbery was also recovered however prosecutor marshall county attorney donald ondahl has now dismissed all charges against martinez it’s saying in a court statement quote in the interest of justice at this time the state is dismissing this action without prejudice due to not having sufficient evidence to properly proceed in this case this case may be charged when additional evidence has been received from the bureau of criminal apprehension unquote however martinez tells inews there was never any evidence pointing toward him even dna evidence did not match him and he says he’s planning a lawsuit we’ll keep you updated i’m Neil Berg reporting for eye news dot tv


  1. Notice how the DA’s report says “insufficient evidence” instead of “no evidence at all” it’s ok. I’ll straighten this out. With truth and reasoning on my side, false allegations will slide. Blessed be the Lord Jesus Almighty who I left these matters into his hands with prayer and unwavering faith. Thank you Lord for not abandoning your child, and for protecting me against these evil men who speak falsely on my name.

  2. The DA states,” In the interest of Justice “ nobody was interested in Justice in this case except for me, Reynaldo Martinez, and my attorney Laurel Lawson. Marshall county and the prosecutors only interest is covering their ass and not admitting they made a mistake

  3. Without prejudice, really means we can and will give the "ride" repeatedly. Give you charges again you pay for a lawyer they drop charges and bring them up again, you pay for a lawyer. Reschedule, and delay till you give up.
    If you didn't do it make their lives reflect what they did to you. By all legal means.

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