Analyzing COVID Surge: Examining Transmission Rates in Counties of Minnesota and North Dakota

MINNESOTA & NORTH DAKOTA ( A look at the CDC’s COVID transmission rate in Minnesota and North Dakota counties.
here’s a look at the cdc’s level of community transmission in minnesota we’ll go county by county here in the valley uh up in the far northern valley here’s a marshall county high transmission rate in marshall county uh you see all these counties in the red here beltrami county high transmission rate this is uh clearwater county a high transmission rate and down here uh norman county uh high transmission rate and uh ottertail county a high transmission rate uh those are the counties in northwestern minnesota with a high transmission rate yet let’s uh move over to north dakota we’ll look at counties in the valley here uh cavalier county high transmission rate and this is uh pembina county and can’t get it to come up but that’s pembina county in the uh far northeast uh that’s also in the red with a high transmission rate and uh walsh county and substantial grand forks county substantial trail county substantial another high county steel county with a high transmission rate and cass county uh fargo the county seat there also with a high transmission rate let’s go a little uh far more counties in north dakota dicky with a high transmission rate and um evans county burley county high transmission rate and all the way up in bottineau county a high transmission rate so the delta variant is spreading fast across minnesota and north dakota i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. 242 active cases in Cass County today. 20 on July 1st, we're gonna get whacked, still time for people to get vaccinated……..its.coming for you……sadly

  2. What are the definitions of these vague terms? How many IS substantial or how many cases constitute high transmission? Is it a percentage of the population? Is it a comparison between the total hospitalizations and the number diagnosed with Covid? Not very meaningful without that first.

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