America on the Rise: Highlights from an Epic 5,000-Mile Road Trip

UNITED STATES ( Neil Berg of TRF News wraps up a nearly 5,000 mile trip across the southern United States with a recap of a booming America.
hey everyone Neil Berg here wrapping up my drive around the Southern United States through the month of January some observations from the road first of all we live in a great beautiful country and we are blessed to live here so many wonderful things to see and do hop in your car and go take a look now one of the things I’ve seen uh on my travels uh down south here where they can have construction all winter there are tons of massive Road and Bridge projects and the downtowns of uh major cities like uh Memphis Nashville and Atlanta uh construction is booming there are construction cranes up all over around those uh cities let’s take a look at some of the real numbers with the Atlanta Skyline as our backdrop right now as part of the infrastructure Bill there are 40,000 specific projects and awards across 4500 communities in all 50 states the unemployment rate remains around the lowest in decades us job growth rate continues adding record and near record numbers and the stock market is booming this chart from Bloomberg shows the S&P 500 from 2016 to 2020 under Trump then covid hits hard in 2020 at the start of Biden’s term but it set a new record high this past week and gas prices are coming back down chart here from the US uh energy Administration from 2016 to uh through December latest numbers that just put in here from today January 28th uh 2016 to 2008 246 to uh 234 and 2019 uh 228 in 2021 that’s uh during the height of Co and then that big spike in gas prices over five bucks a gallon in June of 2022 and now back down to 318 across the country 283 in Minnesota 277 in North Dakota and before you uh decide who to blame for that major price hike well during that a major spike in prices American oil companies had record profits if if you want to dig into it you can even hear them on earning calls with Executives uh talking to investors that uh they can only push up the price so high before they get too much uh feedback from the government and the public uh basically corporate greed behind that push it as high as you want for as long as you can and it’s back down coming back down now again to uh more reasonable prices and the price of groceries still high but Falling US Department of Agriculture says the food price index dropped 10.1% in 2023 over 2022 again corporate greed record setting profits for the list of major food processors and Distributors like PepsiCo and ConAgra uh but some good news and all that is that the average annual wages Across America keep climbing and inflation is falling overall if you dig into the numbers behind our economy you’ll find that America is rolling I’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. I want to see a real video of the world, not all the pretty fakery hiding the misery. Edit: didn't take long for the truth to be removed. How shocking πŸ˜‚

  2. You are the news leader! As far as I'm concerned, you leave everybody in the dust! Star Tribune can't report the news. It's just a shadow of what it once was!!! big big, thank you thumbs up I support you!

  3. It's an election year! Don't forget how this administration is undermining our constitution, has pilfered our income with inflation, opened our borders to any and all without vetting of any sort, (and where are the children and young people who have been farmed out to who knows where), has weaponized our so called department of justice, been in bed with China, and spent us into oblivion. I'm sure I could go on and on! Maybe you should take a road trip to Cuba or North Korea.

  4. We come down to Tuscon and see the same thing. Major building projects happening in the bigger cities, but so many small communities suffered beyond repair. Support your small community businesses!

  5. What a non-story. Honestly a boomer take just parroting administration points about the economy. I see the suffering below said growth, and I don't think the econ is as rosey as some numbers may lend you to believe. Either way, I rather just have more local stories, people don't wanna hear your take nor mine on national stuff.

  6. Thank you for actually going out there and seeing things instead of yapping on FB (or YouTube) how bad things are without leaving your house. A side note – I shop in a small town just south of the Canadian border and our grocery prices are considerably lower than Grand Forks, Fargo, Detroit Lakes, Alexandria, Thief River, all grocery stores I have been in during the last year. Why is Super One cheaper than any other grocery store? The brands are the same

  7. Massive lay-offs go unreported by propaganda news outlets. I thought this channel would be better at reporting the truth but nope…they're just as fake as the fake news media.

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