Amazon Customer Outraged by “Blue Lives Murder” Shirt Available for Sale on TRF News

GRAND FORKS, ND ( A Grand Forks woman says she’s disgusted with a “Blue Lives Murder” shirt that sold on Amazon. She’s also hoping you’ll help get the shirt removed from Amazon. Watch report to learn how.
Neil Berg here we’ve all heard the phrase multiple times now black lives matter well and I news viewer has brought something different to my attention Amazon is selling shirts that say blue lives murder on the photo Kamiya’s Paula Gilbertson of Grand Forks so you’ve complained to Amazon and what have they said yes I did complain to Amazon and the lady I spoke with was very very helpful and like she said she cannot have an opinion but she did decide to voice her opinion to me she was completely appalled she did then tell me that she was going to get this to the right person to hopefully have this taken down I truly believe that this is inciting violence against our law enforcement I am completely appalled by it and I would like everybody to contact Amazon and get this taken down it kind of hits a nerve in Grand Forks too with the recent death of officer whole TV oh absolutely I was also looking into how to spread of protest against this I’m not that good at setting things up like that so if there is anybody out there that would like to help me or set up a protest for this I would be more than willing to help in any way I can which probably wouldn’t be very much um do you happen to have the Amazon customer service number people want to call it and I do I do actually it is printed on top of my holiday where we go the eight 77252 2701 correct yes all right I did ask to speak with a supervisor and they did connect you to a supervisor okay well pass it along and see what happens thanks for talking to me okay thank you so much new


  1. Shame to put such a statement on a shirt… I come from a military family and my aunt was a NYC police officer. There's bad people everywhere in the world, we need to come together for peace and the good in the world.

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