Alleged Gun Threat: Unusual

HAWLEY, MN ( A woman in Clay County, Minnesota is facing criminal charges, following a strange incident in the town of Hawley.
35-year-old Janelle zisa is facing charges after allegedly threatening a man with a gun at her apartment in Holly Minnesota according to court documents the male victim reported it on November 22nd at 10:45 a.m. a reading from the criminal complaint quote the victim stated the day prior he was uh with zisa the defendant the defendant’s vehicle broke down the victim said he had had a buddy who could fix it and they went back to the defendant’s apartment in Holly Minnesota the victim said he stayed the night at zsa’s apartment and was sitting on the couch in the living room of the apartment when the defendant uh was trying to call his friend who was to fix the car the defendant became mad upset and said she was tired of people playing her and went to the hallway closet and pulled out a gun the uh zisa allegedly cocked the gun back and stated you know what I’m just going to kill everybody I’m tired of people playing me and pointed the gun at the victim the victim told her he did not do anything and he would just leave and not to kill him the defendant zisa replied nope you’re going to die as the gun was aimed at him the victim grabbed his shoes and ran out of the apartment building to the gas station to call police the victim described the gun as a smaller black handgun uh officers made contact with the defendant at her apartment uh she invited officers inside the apartment and was asked if she had weapons zisa said she did not the defendant a was asked if she had any guns and she replied she had one in a cereal box in the kitchen on the Shelf uh the defendant gave the deputy permission to grab the gun from the serial box the gun was located and had a bullet in the chamber and match the description given by the victim zisa has a previous conviction for Manu ufactured delivery of a controlled substance from Illinois in 2012 which would be a crime of violence in the state of Minnesota zisa is facing a pair of felonies in Clay County a felon convicted Crime Of Violence firearm violation and second deegree assault with a firearm I’m Neil Berg reporting for I


  1. Damn, she’s got crazy eyes. Well, there is a hell of a lot more to this than the police report is telling us. Let this be a lesson to all you horny guys, don’t associate with the crazy.😂

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