More Pipeline Protest Arrests, This Time In Pennington County
THIEF RIVER FALLS, MN ( A heavy law enforcement presence at a pipeline protest camp south of Thief River Falls on this Wednesday morning. Two protestors had chained themselves to equipment in an effort to stop construction.
Additional Arrests Occur During Pipeline Protest in Pennington County

Look up BNSF railroad and Berkshire Hathaway. Warren Buffet runs Berkshire Hathaway, who owns BNSF, the largest crude oil transporter in the entire US from Canada to the Southern US.
They arrest them but let them out to go right back out there !!!!

These idiots want to be chained up, so chain them up and let them sit in the heat
Wow, the number of people willing to get arrested to help Warren Buffett make more Billions is insane. Wake Up!
When are you damn cops going to kick these retards out of the area anybody that has a damn brand knows that putting the pipeline underground's the safest way to transport it stop playing games with these people
Confusion say "Pepper Spray awaken Sleeping Dragon".
You need a drone!
Get these people out of there….
Seems like to me the workers just just need to go about the job. Hey if the idiots don't want the consequences, they shouldn't chain themselves to the equipment. Those machines will continue just like as if the protesters were not there. The mess will mostly dissipate into the dirt as they do thier jobs anyway.
Not one of them is from MN, go home or we'll run your @$$3$ out of here, were sick of you!!!
What are they even protesting again? Their protest isn’t even legitimate!
These protesters are the dumbest people ever conceived! What are they even protesting besides the progress of humanity?