Accused of Coercing Girls to Send Explicit Photos

Allegedly Threatened Girls To Send Nude Photos

DEVILS LAKE, ND ( A Devils Lake, North Dakota man is facing a child porn charge, after allegedly threatening girls in Wisconsin to send him nude photos.


  1. I appreciate this story. Did police get this complaint about the threat (which absolutely should be taken seriously) and have the suspect offer up information on trading porn and downloading it on his computer/phone? Do you know if the law got a search warrant for the phone and computer after they received the complaint? Just curious. He needs to be charged for every count of these child charges in my opinion. And those on the receiving end as well. They are all extremely serious and concerning. Thanks for reporting, Neil.

  2. You should do a story about the democratic endorsing convention in Minnesota. There is plenty of video available for the story. At least one person hospitalized, and others treated on scene. Yet no arrests were made. Some might even say it was an attack on democracy.

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