Abortion in Minnesota: EGF Legislator Addresses the Ongoing Legislative Tug-of-War

ABORTION: Minnesota's Legislative Football, EGF Legislator Responds

ST. PAUL, MN (trfnews.i234.me) The isse of abortion is being batted about in the Minnesota legislature.


  1. Overturning ROE was political suicide and the Dems are exploiting that as much as possible. Republican politicians are now instructing their voters to loosen up on their anti-abortion red line. Trump is so unaware of christian teachings he thinks he can command the pro-life community to change it's stance on IVF. This is what happens when you pander to an unpopular minority opinion for a generation.

  2. Abortion rights and equal rights on the same ballot.
    Only in Minnesota.
    No rights for a tiny human being.
    The hypocrisy of this is absolutely amazing.
    Bring on the comments from the supporters of murder.

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