Upper Red Lake, MN is Currently Closed to All Vehicles

Upper Red Lake, MN NOW Closed To ALL Vehicles

UPPER RED LAKE, MN (trfnews.i234.me) The Beltrami County Sheriff has closed Upper Red Lake to all vehicles, effective at sunset this Saturday, December 30, 2023 until further notice.


  1. Well unfortunately people have created the situation to be required, it is a challenging situation to have so many rescuers at risk so frequently. One would think that there shouldn't be requirements like this, but I support it, so the rescuers don't have to keep risking their lives to save these folks so often. I am not saying they shouldn't be saved, but at the frequency this has happened, people, planes, and gear pretty much every day for several days, I think they all need a time out. Take a break until it gets colder and safer

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