Buffalo Man Charged with Possessing Stolen Handguns In TRF

Clayton Robert Kessler
Clayton Robert Kessler

Thief River Falls, MN (trfnews.i234.me) — Clayton Robert Kessler, 22, has been charged with two felony offenses in Pennington County District Court. The charges include possession of a firearm by an ineligible person and theft of a firearm.

According to court documents, Kessler was arrested on October 10th after allegedly possessing two handguns that had been stolen out of vehicles in Thief River Falls. The handguns were found in his vehicle during a traffic stop.

Kessler is alleged to have communicated with a juvenile via Snapchat, asking if the boy would be interested in buying some guns. The boy reported this conversation to law enforcement, who then obtained information from Kessler’s Snapchat account.

The investigation revealed that Kessler had been walking around Thief River Falls on October 9th and was located near where the handguns were stolen. He also used a Life360 location-sharing app with his passenger, which showed him in the vicinity of the thefts at around 11:25 p.m.

Kessler’s vehicle was searched during the traffic stop, and two handguns, ammunition, and an empty magazine were found inside. The investigation is ongoing.

I’m Chris Harper reporting for trfnews.i234.me

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