1. Hey Neil! Your associates from wday and kvly on local TV stations just reported that no one had been injured in these fire's and the truth is YOU REPORTED 2 PEOPLE DIED ALREADY THE OTHER DAY! Why do you think they are lieing to the public? Or Maybe it's YOU WHO LIED! which is it? Your reputation is on the line now!
    Either your a liar or they are! I wonder 🤔 who that could be. I don't believe it was you, I think it's our local news organizations, and your going to let them ruin your reputation? Really? Are you being paid off now and keeping your mouth shut or are you just to damn scared to stand up to them and protect your reputation and your pocket book and let them get away with that?
    Then again I'm aware of the censorship on your channel already! So what's the difference? Your just as dishonest as them if not worse cuz you don't have the ball's to stand for TRUTH!

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