Press Briefing: Identities of Fargo Officers Involved in Shooting Revealed; One Killed, Others Injured

NEWS CONFERENCE: Fargo Officers Killed & Wounded In Shooting Identified

FARGO, ND ( Watch Fargo news conference regarding 3 officers shot on Friday afternoon. One has died, 2 wounded, …


  1. its about past time for cops to fear the public. chris dorner knew what was up. shout out to you dolts who fly a 2A flag with your blue stripe rag. shiny badges dont grant extra rights.

  2. Stop pulling people over for a cracked windshield and turning people life’s upside down.

    Stop Harassing people for expired tabs

    Stop shooting people with a cell phone in there hand

    Stop standing on people’s necks

    Stop using your authority as your personal power

    Then the public won’t wanna do this to you guys

  3. Im tired of violence. I left texas to not be around violence. The problem isnt race, religion, politics, or anything else, the problem is hatred. Hatred stems violence, fuels gangs, fuels deug lords, fuels terrorists. Instead of hating each other we need to come together as a nation. We need to stop hate. Or else we deal with more of this senseless violence. Think about it. My heart goes out to all the victims who were involved and the person who did this incident's family. Sorry for everyone's loss. ❤

  4. It saddens me to see officers that have dedicated their lives, to serve and protect our communities being attacked and killed in the line of duty. My deepest condolences to the family. 😭😭😭😭😭😭

  5. Hey i got an idea,how about we protest and riot over the death of this innocent white guy??? How abouts we paint murals on the sides of our barns with his visage…tee shirys too…and rename streets for him.We wont. We will burn candles and find a way to blame white people

  6. Sorry for his family's loss and thank him for his services this shouldn't have happend I might join the service cause I no most men and women that join is for the right reasons and I'm tired of the crap that's happening

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