UNITED STATES (trfnews.i234.me) It’s Debate Day! Kamala Harris and Donald Trump begin at 8 pm on this Tuesday evening.
What's worse than the violence in our country and the open borders and drug abuse the crime and the liberal lieing media like this one and kvly, wday and the rest is the Democratic party
No because I know who is going to get my vote no matter how I vote. If you live in MN your electoral vote is going to the democrat just like it has for the last 50+ years.
Usually, I'm not one to enjoy such a public display of elder abuse but in the case of Trump, it's completely warranted. So, probably… for the first five minutes, anyway.
What's worse than the violence in our country and the open borders and drug abuse the crime and the liberal lieing media like this one and kvly, wday and the rest is the Democratic party
No because I know who is going to get my vote no matter how I vote.
If you live in MN your electoral vote is going to the democrat just like it has for the last 50+ years.
Usually, I'm not one to enjoy such a public display of elder abuse but in the case of Trump, it's completely warranted. So, probably… for the first five minutes, anyway.
No, can't stand the sight of cackles or her stupid laugh. I will wait for the pundits to tell me what I should think.
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