Jim Schultz Slams ‘Soft-on-Crime’ Policies in Congressional Testimony: A Call to Action for Minnesota’s Future

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Jim Schultz, President of the Minnesota Private Business Council, testified before the Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance of the House Committee on the Judiciary today, September 11, 2024. The hearing, titled “The Consequences of Soft-On-Crime Policies,” was held in Room 2141 of the Rayburn House Office Building at 10:00 a.m. ET, where Schultz delivered a scathing critique of Governor Tim Walz’s crime policies.

In his testimony, Schultz highlighted how, during Walz’s governorship, crime rates in Minnesota surged dramatically. Schultz pointed to Walz’s mishandling of the 2020 riots following George Floyd’s death as a pivotal moment when Minnesota’s public safety began to spiral out of control. He shared a personal story about his sister’s terrifying experience in a Minneapolis shootout to illustrate how once-safe neighborhoods have turned into battlegrounds of violence.

Schultz stated, “Tim Walz’s record on crime has left Minnesota in crisis. During his tenure, the state has become a place where criminals run free, law enforcement is assailed, and families are without the safety and security they deserve.”

He went on to describe the transformation of Minneapolis, saying, “Under Tim Walz, the streets of Minneapolis went from a place to walk your dog to a place to dodge gunfire.”

Schultz also emphasized the broader economic impact, citing a 75% rise in homicides and a doubling in gunshot victims. He noted, “Minnesota now has the sixth slowest-growing economy in the country, and violent crime is a major factor contributing to this slowdown.”

Schultz’s testimony delivered a sharp message: Minnesota’s “soft-on-crime” policies have damaged the state’s public safety, economic vitality, and overall quality of life. His remarks were a clear call to action, not just for Minnesota but for communities nationwide, to rethink and address the consequences of lenient crime policies.

Watch testimony HERE.

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