Train-Pickup Collision: 2 Boys Killed, 1 Critically Injured Near Williston, North Dakota

TRAIN-PICKUP CRASH: 2 Boys Die, 3rd Critical Near Williston, North Dakota

WILLISTON, ND ( Two boys were killed and the driver is in critical condition after their pickup was struck by an Amtrak train Monday evening northeast of Williston, North Dakota.


  1. I live in Williston and my school was impacted by this two kids went to Bakken the school I’m at and one other is the son of a teacher at Mc vay

  2. So tragic! People, this is why railroad safety is so incredibly important! It’s never the trains fault when accidents like this happen. Motorists have to remember that they are always the ones responsible to stop and yield at all railroad crossings. Trains are huge and cannot stop for you. I’m praying for the families who lost their dear loved ones and also for the engineer and crew of the train who are now probably traumatized by this. Sending lots of prayers for them all. 💔

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