🚨 Woman Pleads Guilty in Brutal Downtown Fargo Assault Case

Angelica Hernandez
Angelica Hernandez

FARGO (trfnews.i234.me) – Angelica Hernandez, one of six individuals charged in connection with a violent assault in downtown Fargo, has pleaded guilty to being an accomplice to aggravated assault. The incident occurred on NP Avenue, west of Broadway, where a fight broke out, leading to the attack on three men.

Among the victims was Sam Pikula, who sustained severe injuries while attempting to intervene in the altercation. Pikula suffered a broken nose, fractured orbital bones, and significant forehead injuries that required the insertion of a titanium plate for repair. Court records revealed that Hernandez was directly involved in the violence, including stomping on one victim’s face twice.

Hernandez’s sentencing is set for October 14.

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