Detroit Lakes man faces felony sex charges

Eneyl Lee Amequita Davila
Eneyl Lee Amequita Davila

Becker County, MN ( – Eneyl Lee Amequita Davila, 22, of Detroit Lakes has been charged in Becker County District Court with felony first- and third-degree criminal sexual conduct.

According to court records, on April 19 the Detroit Lakes Police Department was advised of a possible sexual assault that had occurred and that involved two teens under the age of 15, who were acquaintances of Amequita Davila.

The two boys reported brief forced sexual contact performed on them by Amequita Davila in his apartment. One of the boys said he kneed Amequita Davila in the head to make him stop and both victims then ran out of the residence.

On April 22, bail or bond for Amequita Davila with no conditions was set at $150,000, or $75,000 with conditions that include no contact with the two teens.

His next court appearance is July 29 before District Court Judge Gretchen Thilmony.

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