23-Year Old Fargo Police Officer, Jake Wallin Was Shot & Killed Friday
FARGO, ND (trfnews.i234.me) Twenty-three year old Fargo Police Officer, Jake Wallin was shot and killed Friday, after just 3 months on the job.
23-Year-Old Fargo Police Officer Jake Wallin Fatally Shot on Friday

Rest in peace brother
Very, very heart breaking

R.I.P BRO !!!!
God damn, I’m so sorry this happened to him. I hope his family can get through it. People in this world just suck.
I’m so sorry jake. You deserved more than this. You were a good soul
Rest easy man!

He seemed genuine and loved his career. I'm so sorry you're gone.
Thank you for your service.
Rest in peace amigo.
RIP brother.
What a tragedy. God bless this brave young man.
Its not fair he was one of the good ones
No words. Rest rest brother, we’ll take it from here!

RIP Good and faithful servant.
Rip brother
RIP Brother
This is heartbreaking. Only 3 months in. Im on my way in at the moment. It's hard to imagine a young mans life snuffed out for no reason whatsoever. RIP.
Much love and all respect
prayers to his poor family

Average day in America
He was so young. And he was an officer only for 3 months. It’s not fair. There needs to be gun laws and consequences for violent crimes against law enforcement officers. The man who killed him was a monster. Violence against law enforcement needs to stop. We are always losing more law enforcement members due to violence especially gun violence. He was a handsome young man and was taken too soon.
Only 3 months in smh, Its so surreal. I'm a year and half in myself but he hasn't had a chance to get out there on his own yet.
RIP brother.