🌈 First McLeod County Pride Picnic Faces Pushback but Gains Support

HUTCHINSON, MN (trfnews.i234.me) – The first-ever McLeod County Pride Picnic is set to take place this Saturday at Rotary Park in Hutchinson. Organizer Tommy Lind Smith noted that last year’s smaller gathering attracted around 70 attendees, but this year they expect approximately 300 people. The picnic aims to foster socialization and strengthen connections among neighbors and allies. While the event has faced some negativity and pushback on social media, Smith emphasized that most comments have been supportive. The potluck picnic will also feature a Gua Q barbecue food truck, promising a festive and inclusive atmosphere.

1 comment

  1. The only pride in America should be to America and its flag. Have pride in the men and women who lost their life to make America free. Go Veteran. And straight white people.

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